Sunday, April 5, 2009

SNL - 4/4/09: Seth Rogen and Phoenix

Guest host Seth Rogen and the SNL cast put on a pretty good show for the majority of 90 minute running time. Among the positives: the writers were almost critical of Barack Obama; a guest band (Phoenix) that you could actually listen to; a funny Fast & Furious fake commercial; and a pretty good Digital Short (“Like a Boss”). Weekend Update was too long and the show did run out of steam toward the end, but a big improvement over recent weeks. I'm actually looking forward to Observe and Report.


Lawyer said...

I loved the comics sketch (just liked I loved the similar Broadway sketch from the Fall). I also enjoyed the italian talk show with Hader and Bear man rogen. Duplicity review coming (B).

Doctor said...

Agreed - and the Muppet skit worked too.