Monday, April 6, 2009

New Trailers

1. Where The Wild Things Are - Trailer. Directed by Spike Jonze - actually looks decent.

2. The Hangover - Trailer. Hilarious looking guy comedy from the director of Old School. Genius Phil Collins/Tyson ending.

3. Anvil - Trailer. A real documentary about a Spinal Tap type band. Looks great.

4. Lymelife - Trailer. Family dysfunction dramedy with Alec Baldwin and others - executive producer is Martin Scorsese. Looks like my kind of movie.

1 comment:

Doctor said...

Anvil: Given the Spinal Tap-ness of the band, it's amazing one of the band members is named Robb Reiner.

Where the Wild Things Are sounded like a terrible idea, but now there's hope that Jonze might just pull it off.