Monday, November 12, 2007

Seether - Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces - B

Released 10/23/07.

Seether's fourth album, Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces, is a good, but not great album that sees the band trying out some different styles of songs, but without losing the hard but melodic core of their 'sound'. The band's lead singer, lead guitarist, and songwriter, Shaun Morgan, has cited Nirvana (and specifically the album Nevermind) as 'the reason he picked up a guitar,' and also quotes Pearl Jam, Rage Against the Machine, and Alice in Chains as major influences. Since that's pretty much the DNA of my own musical tastes, its no surprise that I like this band and Mr. Morgan in particular. The last 2 years have been very tumultuous for Morgan. He had a rough and public (the song 'call me when you're sober') break up with Evanescence's Amy Lee, endured a monthlong stint in rehab to deal with an addiction to heroin last year, and dealt with the suicide of his brother while on tour with the band this past August.

The result is a mix of dark and hopeful songs that are good, but not great. The first single, Fake It, is a catchy hard rock ballad with great crunchy guitars and mediocre lyrics. Rise Above This is another standout, mostly because of how 'soft rock' and melodic it is. It is a departure for the band in the same vein as Hole's Celebrity Skin, but it works with Morgan's resonant and ragged voice. Walk Away From The Sun is another melodic hard rock ballad, and it works to mild success. My other favorites are Eyes of the Devil and FMLYHM.

In general the album is quality work, and if you liked Seether's previous work, this will work for you. Upon a few listens, however, I didn't find any songs that exceeded the greatness of their previous hits.

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