Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bucket List - B

In theaters. Rated PG-13, 97 minutes. Trailer.

Okay, okay, I COULD'VE seen Persepolis, but chose to see Bucket List instead because I just didn't want to have to sift through the angst of an Iranian NY Times cartoonist and preferred a predictable but uplifting movie.

Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman basically play dying versions of themselves in the movie; Jack the rich and agressive womanizer and Morgan the thoughtful mechanic. Yes, Morgan Freeman narration is overdone, but its also effective as hell. Kudos to Director Frank Darabont for introducing us to this seemingly essential element of modern film with Red in The Shawshank Redemption. Director Rob Reiner uses the classic bookends technique, starting with Freeman narration about Jack's death. Click below for old people jokes!

Cut to both of them in the same hospital room with terminal cancer. The usual reluctance/repulsion followed by gallows humor and bonding follows, culminating in a plan to use their remaining months to accomplish all the things they wanted to do before they kicked the bucket. Cut to the usual skydiving and Egypt scenes, followed by death and weepy scenes about reconciliation with kids and the meaning of life.

Jack and Morgan are both great in this one, and its always fun to watch great actors work with eachother. The story has some unexpected twists, but doesn't veer far off the path, or make you think hard either. There are some genuinely funny moments, joke: "Once you get old, never trust a fart!!!!" There was a moment of mist for even this jaded lawyer, of course involving a weepy father/daughter scene. My beloved had to be dragged in, but floated out due to all of the waterworks on display. The Morgan Freeman family/faith stuff was a complete waste in even this movie. A great movie to watch with someone you love over 50.

Viewing note: The line for the Hannah Montana concert movie took over the entire 24 screen theater.


Doctor said...

This seems to be striking a chord with the >55 crowd. I was at a retirement party for some colleagues and it was mentioned quite frequently.

ch said...

I saw this movie, I didn't love it...but it was times I felt the old timers were phoning it in, but I do love Jack.