Sunday, May 9, 2010

Weekend Box Office: 5/7-5/9/10

Iron Man 2 kicked off the start of the summer movie season with a huge bang, taking the wind out of everything else. Romantic comedies and kids' films were relatively spared. The other major new release of the week - a shameless Mother's Day ploy - flopped. Most mothers would rather spend the weekend with their own babies.


1. Iron Man 2: 133.6 mil / (-)
2. Nightmare on Elm St: 9.2 mil / 72% / 49 mil
3. How to Train Dragon: 7 mil / -36% / 201 mil
4. Date Night: 5.3 mil / -30% / 81 mil
5. Back-up Plan: 4.3 mil / -40% / 29 mil
6. Furry Vengeance: 4 mil / -40% / 12 mil
7. Clash of Titans: 2.3 mil / -61% / 159 mil
8. Death at Funeral: 2.1 mil / -49% / 38 mil
9. The Losers: 1.8 mil / -69% / 21 mil
10. Babies: 1.6 mil / (-)
11. Kick-Ass: 1.5 mil / -67% / 45 mil
12. Oceans: 1.5 mil / -42% / 16 mil

1 comment:

Lawyer said...

Reviews for new releases Iron Man 2 (B) and Exit Through the Gift Shop (B+ or A-) coming later today.