Monday, October 19, 2009

Saturday Night Live - 10/17/09

Gerard Butler hosted and Shakira danced (and sang, I think), but the show opened with Dwayne "Tooth Fairy" Johnson reprising his role as "The Rock" Obama. This must be some kind of liberal's wet dream - getting Obama to use violence against adversaries. It wasn't funny and neither was the rest of the show, which alternated between jokes about homosexuality and popular movies (300, Braveheart, Beauty and the Beast). Kristen Wiig dropped a notch with an annoying secretary character and Seth Meyers smugged for the camera as usual. The only skit I really enjoyed was a BET singalong, "What Up With That", which featured Keenan Thompson breaking into song and a silent James Franco, inexplicably wasting his own time. The rest of the show wasted mine. Check out (or don't) the available clips here.
Just love Jason Sudeikis's terrible white-boy dancing. Andy Samberg was absent from the entire show and was sorely missed.

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