Sunday, March 7, 2010

Saturday Night Live - 3/6/09

There were 2 moments of greatness during Zach Galifianakis's guest stint last night. One was the opening monologue where ZG reached some kind of Andy Kaufmen-esque out-of-left-field bizarre genius. The other was the last sketch where ZG played a beauty pageant-loving, Bayou homosexual. Also on the good side were ZG and Kristen Wiig as a couple obsessed with bidets and a digital short where ZG showed up on many NBC shows. On the bad side was the Obama cold open, Weekend Update, and the retreads Today Show and Kissing Family. What Up With That? keeps doing exactly the same thing, but it continues to work remarkably well. B+ Available skits here. Unfortunately, the beauty pageant skit is absent.


bride said...

I heart ZG. He is brilliant. I loved the monologue, and I am pretty sure most of what I liked best from last night were things that he came up with independently.

ch said...

The opener was painful. Fred Armisen's flat impersonation is yet another reason to hope Obama isn't reelected.

Doctor said...