Friday, April 6, 2007

Blades of Glory - B-

In theaters. Rated PG-13, 93 minutes.

This comedy tells the story of of 2 male figure skaters (Jon Heder and Will Ferrell) that must join together to skate as a pair after being banned from singles competition. This is one of those movies where the plot only serves the purpose of facilitating gags, but there are some redeeming moments. For what its worth, Heder's character is the straight laced technical skater, while Ferrell's is the sex addict freestyler that skates to "Stroke Me."

Any movie with Gob, Pam from the Office, Napoleon Dynamite and Will Ferrell is going to have a few laughs. The dancing between the two leads is funny, as are Will Arnett and Amy Poehler as a rival skating pair, but the feeling of the movie is that its a SNL skit that goes on to long. Jenna Fischer and Jon Heder form a geeky romantic couple, and both are successful in escaping the shadow of their famed characters from other projects. Luke Wilson is funny in his cameo as the facilitator of a sex addict meeting.

While funny, this doesn't belong in the same category as Anchorman, 40 Year Old Virgin, Old School and Wedding Crashers.


Priest said...

Agreed. It was fun to see Jenna Fischer with make-up and not in Pam mode.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was very funny. I definately put it above Anchorman and 40 Year Old Virgin. To me, it did not feel like a long SNL skit. However, the attempts at keeping them from performing at the end did go on a bit long.