Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Sunset Limited - B


A white college professor (Tommy Lee Jones) tries to commit suicide from a subway platform but is saved by a black ex-con (Samuel L. Jackson). They then go back to Jackson's apartment and have a long philosophical discussion about life, death, and God. Based on Cormac McCarthy's 2006 stage play, you'll know who "wins" the argument if you've read or seen No Country for Old Men or The Road. But not so fast - the last 2 lines give the audience plenty to consider - your interpretation will depend on what you bring to the film . . .

Jones also directs and achieves a nice claustrophobic atmosphere. Neither actor really develops an actual character (though Jackson comes closer) - you never forget you're watching "Tommy Lee Jones" and "Samuel L. Jackson". But McCarthy is the real star anyhow. The film isn't the obvious future Emmy-winner that Taking Chance and Temple Grandin were in years past. But if you're in a self-reflective and thoughtful mood, this is well worth the 90 minutes. B

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